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实现了图像格式yuy2到RGB24的转换,在视频采集中有着广泛的应用、-Realize a YUY2 to RGB24 image format conversion, video capture in a wide range of applications,
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 781kb Publisher : 罗胜华

yuv,yv12,yuy2等各种格式与rgb格式之间的转换.-yuv, yv12, yuy2 various format and rgb conversion between formats.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher : asdf

将视频采集卡中的采集到的原始视频数据(YUY2格式)转换成RGB24格式,保存成位图。 用于抓取帧-Video capture card will be collected in the original video data (YUY2 format) into RGB24 format, saved as bitmaps. Frame for crawl
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : 阿焦

rgb24_to_yv12 颜色转换 ,rgb 转yv12-rgb24_to_yv12
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher :

ColorspaceConverter 可用于快速转换I420, YV12, UYVY, YUY2, YVYU, RGB 等多种colorspace 格式, 用于多媒体图像的输入和输出处理。-ColorspaceConverter can be used for the rapid conversion I420, YV12, UYVY, YUY2, YVYU, RGB and other colorspace format for multimedia image processing of the input and output.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 328kb Publisher : yun

YUY2 to RGB converter
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : kavitha

VB实现USB摄像头回调图像各种格式转换为BMP代码(二次完全查表法) YUY2,YUY9,i420,UYVY转换为RGB-VB callback USB camera to achieve a variety of formats to BMP image code (the second full look-up table) YUY2, YUY9, i420, UYVY to RGB
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : 阿广

可以显示bmp、RGB、YUV2等数据的图片,利用directdraw直接显示数据,在视频开发过程中可以检查图像数据是否正确。-Bmp, RGB, YUY2 and other data can be displayed picture using directdraw display data directly in the video development process can check whether the image data.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 52kb Publisher : z

进行VideoNet的程序(在上下载的)学习中,发现在进行调试时, 1. 运行到 ConvertRGB2YUV 函数时,在 *y++=( RGB2YUV_YR[*r] +RGB2YUV_YG[*g]+RGB2YUV_YB[*b]+1048576)>>16 出down掉! 崩溃! 程序每次到这里崩溃,我也崩溃了!后来反复查网上帖子,有几个说的还行,总体说来,还是没有根本解决:出现这个问题的原因是摄像头采集到的数据是YUY2 的格式, 而ConvertRGB2YUV函数只认识RGB 的格式,所以需要将 YUY2的数据转换成RGB 的格式,于是又疯狂的搜索,终于找到这个宝贵的函数 -The conduct of the VideoNet the program (downloaded on study found that during debugging, run to ConvertRGB2YUV function,* y++ = (RGB2YUV_YR [* r]+RGB2YUV_YG [* g]+RGB2YUV_YB [* b]+1048576) > > 16 out is down! Crash! Program each time to crash, I collapsed! And later repeated to check the online posts, several said, generally speaking, still no fundamental solution: This problem occurs because the camera collected data is the format of YUY2, and ConvertRGB2YUV functions known only to the RGB format, so it is necessary YUY2 data converted into the RGB format, so they frantically search, finally found this valuable function
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 196kb Publisher : 李建华

DL : 0
将YUY2格式的图像转化为RGB图像保存下来-To transform the YUY2 format image into RGB format image, and save it.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : Zifa

本程序是在H.263的P2P视频聊天程序(本站可下载到)基础上优化升级而成,vs 2008环境,实现了点对点视频通信,分辨率和视频质量有了大幅提升。包括3个工程:x264实现视频编码,ffmpeg实现视频解码,testvideo实现视频采集界面显示和TCP协议传输,需先编译前2个工程生成库文件后供第三个工程调用,编译库时注意修改工程路径及代码中的extern C,也可直接用我编译好的库文件。支持RGB和YUY2(4:2:2)格式输出的摄像头,分辨率支持176x144或352x288两种(修改宏定义即可)。代码中的可执行程序为YUY2输出352x288版本供大家测试使用。-This procedure is in H.263 P2P video chat program (site can be downloaded to) is made on the basis of the optimization and upgrading, vs 2008 environment, to achieve a point to point video communication, resolution and video quality has increased dramatically. Includes three projects: x264 for video encoding, ffmpeg for video decoding, testvideo video collection interface display and the TCP protocol to transmit, you must first compile the project before the two library files generated after the call for a third project, compile libraries attention modification works path and code extern C, can also be directly compiled to use my library file. Supports RGB and YUY2 (4:2:2) output format camera with a resolution of 176x144 or 352x288 two kinds of support (you can modify the macro definition). Executable code for the 352x288 version YUY2 output for all the test used.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11.37mb Publisher : 孙英晖

yuy to RGB,包含多种算法,课自行选择-yuy to RGB
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : heh
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