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[Windows Developzhongshu

Description: 是一个求众数的代码,大家可以参考一下。看一下吧,呵呵。-Is a plural for the code, you can reference. Look at it, huh, huh.
Platform: | Size: 892928 | Author: 城城 | Hits:


Description: 电子书\谈艺录,钱钟书最得意的本书,全世界的大家最欣赏的一本书,对爱好古典文学全有帮助。-Tan Yi Lu, Qian Zhongshu most proud of the book, the world most of us appreciate a book full of the loving help of classical literature.
Platform: | Size: 403456 | Author: 小李 | Hits:


Description: 算法分析与设计之众数 算法分析与设计 众数-Algorithm Analysis and Design of the plural of analysis and design of algorithms plural
Platform: | Size: 101376 | Author: 罗薇 | Hits:


Description: 给定一组数,其中数字出现的次数成为重数,重数最大的数字称为众数.求一组数中的众数及其重数-Given an array of numbers, find out the one which appears the most times of all
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: li | Hits:

[Crack Hackzhongshu

Description: 对称加密算法 对称加密算法 对称加密算法-vagga vagga vagga vagga vagga vagga vagga vagga vagga vagga vagga vagga
Platform: | Size: 174080 | Author: 陈杰 | Hits:

[Windows Developzhongshu.doc

Description: 实现众数的算法,根据数组改变数字多少-Algorithm to achieve the plural, according to the number of arrays to change the figures. .
Platform: | Size: 91136 | Author: 我行我素 | Hits:


Description: 递归计算众数,重数,输入一个整形数组,用递归计算数组中出现次数最多的数(众数)以及出现次数(重数)。-Recursive calculation mode, re-number, enter an integer array, with the recursive computation of the array appear in the highest number of number (plural), and the number of occurrences (multiplicity).
Platform: | Size: 152576 | Author: 刘云 | Hits:


Description: 人脸识别 求特征向量 均值脸 pca 特征值 支持向量包 各种M文件 支持向量机的应用发展等-Mean face recognition pca eigenvector eigenvalue vector covering all M documents the application of support vector machine development
Platform: | Size: 3062784 | Author: 张宏 | Hits:


Description: c++实现众数问题,一种简单算法,与递归算法有关-c++ plural question, a simple algorithm, the recursive algorithm
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 刘阔 | Hits:

[Data structszhongshu

Description: 众数问题,半数集问题。还有算法书本2.5 2.9习题 每个问题代码均有运行时间统计代码在里面-Plural, half of the episodes. 2.5 2.9 Exercises algorithm books each code are run-time statistics code inside
Platform: | Size: 4442112 | Author: | Hits:

[Data structszhongshu

Description: 利用递归求众数。借助了快速排序的思想,选中一个数,先把比它小的放在左边,比它大的放在右边。-Use recursive plural. With the idea of ​ ​ quick sort, select a number, first it is smaller than on the left, on the right side than it is big.
Platform: | Size: 864256 | Author: water | Hits:


Description: 给定含有n个元素的多重集合S,每个元素在S中出现的次数称为该元素的重数。多重集S中重数最大的元素称为众数。例,S={1,2,2,2,3,5}。多重集S的众数是2,其重数是3。 2.算法设计 对于给定的n个自然数组成的多重集S,计算S的众数及其重数。 -Given n elements containing multiple set S, the number of times each element appears in the S called the multiplicity of the element. Multiple sets the maximum number of S in heavy elements called plural. Embodiment, S = {1,2,2,2,3,5}. Multiple sets the mode S is 2, and its multiplicity is 3. 2 Algorithm Design For a given multiset S n natural numbers composed of plural computing S and multiplicity.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: ZoeSnow | Hits:

[File Operatezhongshu

Description: 众数的算法众数是样本观测值在频数分布表中频数最多的那一组的组中值,主要应用于大面积普查研究之中。 众数是在一组数据中,出现次数最多的数据,是一组数据中的原数据,而不是相应的次数。 一组数据中的众数不止一个,如数据2、3、-1、2、1、3中,2、3都出现了两次,它们都是这组数据中的众数。-Modal algorithm mode is sample observation values in the table of frequencies up to the group median frequency distribution, mainly applied to survey a large area of research. The mode is in a set of data, data appear the most times, the original data is a set of data, rather than the corresponding number. More than one mode of a set of data, such as data of 2, 3,-1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3 have appeared two times, they are the mode of this set of data.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 张琳 | Hits:

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