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Description: 比较专业的PID控制器,主要实现了以下几种常用的理论:Ziegler&Nichols、Cohen Coon、Reglabilite、IMC、Optimiszation、De Crite、PID1、PID2 -Comparison of professional PID controller, the main achievement of the following types of theories commonly used: Ziegler & Nichols, Cohen Coon, Reglabilite, IMC, Optimiszation, De Crite, PID1, PID2
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 时光 | Hits:


Description: 用Ziegler--Nichols整定公式来求P,PI,PID的个参数,其中Gc是校正器的传递函数,kp为比例系数, Ti为积分时间常数,Td为微分时间常数,输入参量vars为带迟滞--惯性环节模型的KT τ-With Ziegler- Nichols tuning formula to seek P, PI, PID' s parameters, which Gc is the corrector transfer function, kp is proportional coefficient, Ti the integral time constant, Td for the differential time constant, input parameters vars as with hysteresis- inertia model of the KT τ
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: hua gong | Hits:

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