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[VC/MFCMicrochip ZigBee™ 协议栈


ZigBee™ 是专为低速率传感器和控制网络设计的无线
网络协议。有许多应用可从ZigBee 协议受益,其中可
业控制网络、远程抄表以及PC 外设。
与其他无线协议相比, ZigBee 无线协议提供了低复杂
RS-485)或专有无线协议的替代方案, ZigBee 协议可
此应用笔记旨在帮助您在应用中采用ZigBee 协议。 可
以使用在应用笔记中提供的Microchip ZigBee 协议栈快
无关的应用程序接口。 因此,无需做重大修改就可以轻
松地在射频(Radio Frequency,RF)收发器之间移植
Microchip 协议栈和用法的一些常见问题及其答案。

Platform: | Size: 511406 | Author: skyily | Hits:


Description: 基于ZIGBEE的电力无线抄表系统 讲的很详细
Platform: | Size: 414808 | Author: MIN150841 | Hits:


Description: zigbee中文资料,初雪者一定需要
Platform: | Size: 12123464 | Author: wangjiachi | Hits:

[Other Embeded programZigbee点对点通信

Description: 深刻介绍了zigbee的收发源码, 有利于程序员开发之用。
Platform: | Size: 432996 | Author: 44627079@qq.com | Hits:

[Program docZigbee软件开发人员指南

Description: Zigbee软件开发人员指南
Platform: | Size: 1304079 | Author: ye_song | Hits:

[Other Embeded programZigBee协议栈开发指南

Description: ZigBee协议栈开发指南
Platform: | Size: 144699 | Author: ccc912 | Hits:


Description: 这个是基于CC2430的Zigbee源码。其中也含有大量应用程序。对于初学和深入研究Zigbee都可以提供很大的帮助
Platform: | Size: 32744857 | Author: chongqing1rs@163.com | Hits:


Description: 在NS2中仿真zigbee网络的源码
Platform: | Size: 70796 | Author: chenl0519 | Hits:

[Documentszigbee 中级培训

Description: zigbee 培训资料
Platform: | Size: 1438675 | Author: jensenchen@qq.com | Hits:

[Otherzigbee 编程指南

Description: ti公司zigbee协议栈的应用,里面包含了多个应用的例子,包括发送接收、下载更新等!
Platform: | Size: 2608104 | Author: hzy0719@163.com | Hits:

[Other Embeded program2.4GHz射频芯片CC2420实现ZigBee无线通信设计

Description: 2.4GHz射频芯片CC2420实现ZigBee无线通信设计-2.4GHz RF chip CC2420 ZigBee wireless communications to achieve design
Platform: | Size: 460800 | Author: 许艳 | Hits:

[Program docZIGBEE-RF

Description: 有关开发zigbee的产品测试说明,比较有价值啊-zigbee the development of the product testing shows that valuable ah
Platform: | Size: 1221632 | Author: ylx513 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programJN-AN-1016-Zigbee-Wireless

Description: Jennic的Zigbee协议Demo程序-Jennic's Zigbee agreement Demo procedures
Platform: | Size: 157696 | Author: 沈永清 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developba.zigbee

Description: 关于zigbee的一篇论文,国外的,写的相当不错,推荐同行的-on a zigbee the papers abroad, the writing is quite good, look at the recommendation of peer
Platform: | Size: 1192960 | Author: 成章 | Hits:

[Com PortJN-AN-1016-Zigbee-Wireless-UART-1v4

Description: 该源代码为Jennic公司基于Zigbee协议栈的芯片JN5121开发出来的基于IEEE802.15.4和Zigbee的无线串口设备(下位机)的通信源代码!望跟大家分享!-the source code for the company Jennic Zigbee protocol stack based on the JN5121 chip developed Based on the IEEE802.15.4 and Zigbee wireless serial device (crew) on behalf of the source of the communication code! Hope to share with you!
Platform: | Size: 63488 | Author: 陈强 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programJN-AN-1026-ZigBee-Wireless-Keyboard

Description: 该代码为Jennic公司芯片JN5121,基于Zigbee协议栈的无线键盘(类似与蓝牙但是成本比蓝牙低许多)的下位机源代码。望跟大家分享!-The code for Jennic JN5121 chip companies, Zigbee protocol stack based on the wireless keyboard (similar to Bluetooth, but with the cost much lower than Bluetooth) The next crew source code . Hope to share with you!
Platform: | Size: 95232 | Author: 陈强 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programZigbee-WSN

Description: 本代码为Jennic公司芯片JN5121,基于Zigbee协议栈的无线传感网络,包含有Coordinator和Router的源代码,可以所有设备形成一个Mesh网。最大的路由深度为10级,最大节点数为2万。-code for the Jennic JN5121 chip companies, Zigbee protocol stack based on wireless sensor networks Coordinator and contains the source code Router, all the equipment can form a Mesh Network. Routing the biggest depth of 10, the largest number of nodes to 20,000.
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: 陈强 | Hits:


Description: 基于PIC控制器的采用CC2420的zigbee协议栈,很详细-PIC controller based on the use of zigbee CC2420 and Its Application Protocol Stack, in great detail
Platform: | Size: 153600 | Author: jiangjun | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Develop054024r01ZB_AFG-ZigBee-Specification-2006-Download

Description: 英文版zigbee协议,非常好的zigbee资料-English zigbee agreement, very good information zigbee
Platform: | Size: 2643968 | Author: 周强 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developzigbee-wsn

Description: ZIGBEE无线组网架构方案说明,主从方式祥述-ZigBee wireless network structure of the program narrative, master-slave mode, Cheung Shu-
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: liuning | Hits:
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