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Title: SD Download
 Description: This is a translation of the SD information, we developed will be helpful when the SD card!
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader houchangbo]
 To Search: SD
  • [SDtra] - SD card 2.2 version of the part of trans
  • [ads] - Embedded on an examination of our good r
  • [FIFO] - Asynchronous FIFO structure introduced o
  • [test] - Music generator and synchronized lyrics
  • [AVRmodel] - AVR basic project templates (including t
  • [ICcardandtcpip] - RF card reader circuit and procedures, a
  • [SDMMC] - SD card, MMC card reader MCU program the
  • [sd_card] - sd card interface specification document
  • [sd] - sd card (driver) working principle analy
  • [SDSDv17] - sd card
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