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Downloads SourceCode Multimedia program
Title: VOC Download
 Description: An on-demand server that can play MP3, AVI, OGG, MPEG2 format, such as audio and video.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader liubin]
 To Search: voc mpeg2
  • [2410-mp3] - This is a 2410-based system of mp3 desig
  • [internetdbxt] - Network on-demand system, it is classic,
  • [Mediaplayer] - A small media player can play mp3 and wm
  • [MYPlayer] - VC to do with a small music player softw
  • [p2p_vod] - P2P video-on-demand system, C/S, large-s
  • [Dialog_Mpeg2] - mpeg2 encoding process, with the dialog
  • [mp3] - It introduces how to play music
  • [mpeg2] - mpeg2 codec standard procedure, I test c
  • [DirectShow] - DirectShow development guidelines prepar
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