Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Small and Medium Enterprises Website basic information solutions development tools: Visual Studio 2005 development language: VB.NET Database: SQL Server 2000 ASP.NET Version: ASP.NET 2.0 database file location: " trfsoftNetWeb \ App_Data \ For MSSQL2000" directory, database can be direct-attached database user name and password: located trfsoftNetWeb \ web.config file, the default is sa/[blank] the use of Step 1. trfsoftNet directory will be copied to the hard drive anywhere to remove the read-only property 2. Additional use of SQL Server 2000 database file 3. Using Visual Studio 2005 to open trfsoftNet.sln, view and edit web.config file in the database connection string 4. TrfsoftNetWeb settings for activities, according to Ctrl+ F5 view the run results