Description: 8051 IP, the use of VHDL language description, support intel s HEX format, including the interruption, such as timers.
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- [8051Core] - 8051IP kernel source code, with VHDL sou
- [mc_8051] - The source code is to achieve a 8051 mcu
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- [2] - FPGA design analysis of a few basic ques
File list (Check if you may need any files):
.......\8051 Instruction Set Simulator (C++)
.......\....................................\Dalton UCR.htm
.......\8051 Power Benchmarks
.......\.....................\Benchmarks for Synthesizeable VHDL Model of 8051.htm
.......\8051 Power Tuning Environment
.......\.............................\Description of Power Analysis Tools.htm
.......\.............................\Power Scripts for i8051 Synthesizable Model.files
.......\.............................\Power Scripts for i8051 Synthesizable Model.htm
.......\8051 Synopsys Synthesizable Model
.......\.................................\Synthesizeable VHDL Model of 8051.files
.......\.................................\Synthesizeable VHDL Model of 8051.htm