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Title: Irda_Procotol Download
 Description: 1. IrMC_v1p1.pdf (v1.1, dated 01 Mar, 99) is the main IrMC specification. 2. vchgs_1p0.pdf (v1.0, dated 15 Oct 97) extends the Internet Mail Consortium s vCard v2.1 specification. 3. Ultra_1p0.pdf (v1.0, dated 15 Oct 97) defines the connectionless version of the IrMC specification. 4. IrPHY_1p3.pdf (v1.3, dated 15 Oct 98) extends IrPHY to handle lower power, shorter distance FIr connections in addition to the similar SIr extensions provided in v1.2.
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 To Search: irmc v1p1 IrMC
File list (Check if you may need any files):
.............\IrDA Object Exchange Protocol V10.pdf
.............\IrDA PnP Extensions to Link Management Protocol V1.1.pdf
.............\IrDA Serial Infrared Physical Layer Measurement Guidelines V1.0.pdf
.............\JetSend Protocol on IrDA Application NoteV1.1.pdf
.............\Minimal IrDA Protocol Implementation_V10.pdf
.............\Serial Infrared Link Access Protocol (IrLAP)11.pdf

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