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Title: c1 Download
 Description: Bovine Latin The cows have heard that the pigs use a secret language called "Pig Latin" when they want to communicate with each other without Farmer John being able to understand what they are saying. Thinking this is an excellent idea, they have invented their own version, aptly called Bovine Latin. Converting an English word to a Bovine Latin word is quite simple. For words that start with a vowel ( a , e , i , o or u ), "cow" is added to the end of the word for example, "udder" becomes "uddercow". For words that do not begin with a vowel, the first letter is moved to the end of the word, and "ow" is added e.g., "farmer" becomes "armerfow". So "the cows escape at dawn" becomes "hetow owscow escapecow atcow awndow." The cows fervently believe that FJ will not understand this subterfuge. Never known as enthusiastic linguists, the cows find this translation quite tedious and thus have asked you to write a program that will take single words and translate them into Bovine L
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