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Syntax analysis
The experiment was C2.1
Recursive analysis of a decline in the preparation of procedures, procedures for the realization of the lexical analysis provided by the grammar checker word sequence and structure analysis.
C2.2 Experimental requirements
The use of C language procedures for the preparation of analysis of recursive descent, and a simple analysis of language syntax.
C2.2.1 to be analyzed in a simple language syntax
With the expansion of the BNF as follows:
(1) <program>:: = begin <statement string> end
(2) <statement string >::=< statement> ( <statement>)
(3) <>::=< assignment statement>
(4) <assignment statement>:: = ID: = <expression>
(5) <>::=< expression of> (+ <item> |- item>)
(6) <>::=< factor of> (* <factor> |/<factor>)
(7) <factor>:: = ID | NUM | (<expression>)
C2. 2. 2 Experimental requested clarification
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