Description: VHDL language using a decimal counter, follow-up there is divider, data selector, seven-segment digital display procedures, the software platform is Quartus II 7.2, the final adoption of these small modules can be combined to produce a clock or other arbitrary binary counter, suitable for beginners, through these procedures, new to VHDL learners can be a step by step to the awareness and understanding of VHDL, the last through the design of a practical function of the circuit, to increase the learner' s sense of achievement and interest in learning. All programs have successfully passed the hardware and software debugging, hardware platform is designed by a development of their own school board, it is necessary to know can contact me. Contact QQ: 782649157
To Search:
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
qq cnt10\cnt10.asm.rpt
qq cnt10