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Downloads SourceCode Windows Develop CSharp
Title: Sharp Download
 Description: U.S. UCI (University of California, Irvine) student Michael Bebenita in the Microsoft. NET platform, based on C# language and the Gold Parser generation tools constructed a toy language from Sharp to MSIL compiler. Sharp language support variable declarations and function calls.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader superchangme]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
.....\...\Magic IDE
.....\...\.........\Magic IDE.csproj
.....\...\.........\Magic IDE.csproj.user
.....\...\.........\Magic IDE.sln
.....\...\.........\Magic IDE.suo
.....\....\Magic IDE.exe
.....\....\Bubble Sort
.....\....\...........\Bubble Sort.shp

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