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Title: xueshengdanganchengxu Download
 Description: int menu () {int choice printf (" \ n******************************************** \ n " " **** select the menu**** \ n" " ******************************************** \ n " " \ n " ) printf (" \ t Please select the functions you need: \ n " ) printf (" \ t1. student' s student ID information input \ n " ) printf (" \ t2. show student ID information designated student \ n " ) printf (" \ t3. Displays the class of all students student ID information \ n " ) printf (" \ t4. Modify the specified student' s student ID information \ n" ) printf (" \ t5. delete the specified student' s student ID information \ n" ) printf (" \ t6. statistics \ n" ) printf (" \ t7. exit \ n" ) scanf (" d" , & choice) while (choice < 1 | | choice> 7) {printf (" Please enter a number between 1-7!" ) scanf (" d" , & choice) getchar () } return choice
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