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Downloads SourceCode Internet-Network ICQ-IM-Chat
Title: chat Download
 Description: In the previous version that has been uploaded to do a little improvement: 1 server and client communication between the command to do a deal, this time using a special encoding format of the command control approach instead of the previous version used a string by decoding the command format, to avoid the decoding process will be the bug (a special case of this bug to appear, showing the internal command as the message body will be printed... I am hurt.) (2) increase the splash screen vibration function (see that mimic the MSN.. Not creative 。。。), group of vibration can also be point-vibration, vibration you top anyway! 3. Fixed some other small bug. Program screenshot or screenshots of the previous version, make do with a look at it, even too lazy to cut up. . . Email a friend asked me why the test in the local server opened, life and death Rom to the client, the server will start listening to bind to print out the IP address and port number, so it looks lik
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