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Title: 20110529_061526525 Download
 Description: File management, item management, multimedia support library, image format conversion support libraries, XP style interface library, a library expansion interface supports extended interface supports three libraries, the operating system interface features to support a records management database, the main function of workers labor of employees supplies management and distribution inquiries, incidentally small records management staff. 1, the employee' s file management, you can query, modify, delete. 2, labor distribution management, the program automatically prompts the user to query the employees that year, month, whether in paid labor needs.
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一 职工劳保用品发放管理系统\作品源代码\参赛.e
...........................\..........\Database\Account Management.edb
...........................\..........\........\Labor protection supplies.edb
...........................\..........\........\Set sector.edb
...........................\..........\........\Labor insurance payment.edb
...........................\..........\........\Personal information.edt
...........................\..........\........\Personal information.edb
一 职工劳保用品发放管理系统

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