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Title: Advance Download
 Description: Introduction to java programming
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
进阶篇\20.10. Programming Exercises.txt
......\20.2. Lists.txt
......\20.3. Stacks and Queues.txt
......\20.4. Binary Trees.txt
......\20.5. Heaps.txt
......\20.6. Priority Queues.txt
......\20.7. Key Terms.txt
......\20.8. Chapter Summary.txt
......\20.9. Review Questions.txt
......\21. Generics.txt
......\21.10. Key Terms.txt
......\21.11. Review Questions.txt
......\21.12. Programming Exercises.txt
......\21.2. Motivations.txt
......\21.3. Declaring Generic Classes and Interfaces.txt
......\21.4. Generic Methods.txt
......\21.5. Raw Type and Backward Compatibility.txt
......\21.6. Wildcards.txt
......\21.7. Important Facts.txt
......\21.8. Avoiding Unsafe Raw Types.txt
......\21.9. (Optional) Case Study - Generic Matrix Class.txt
......\22. Java Collections Framework.txt
......\22.10. Singleton and Unmodifiable Collections and Maps.txt
......\22.11. Key Terms.txt
......\22.12. Chapter Summary.txt
......\22.13. Review Questions.txt
......\22.14. Programming Exercises.txt
......\22.2. The Collection Interface and the AbstractCollection Class.txt
......\22.3. Sets.txt
......\22.4. The Comparator Interface.txt
......\22.5. Lists.txt
......\22.6. Static Methods for Lists and Collections.txt
......\22.7. The Vector and Stack Classes.txt
......\22.8. Queues and Priority Queues.txt
......\22.9. (Optional) Maps.txt
......\23. Algorithm Efficiency and Sorting.txt
......\23.10. Review Questions.txt
......\23.11. Programming Exercises.txt
......\23.2. Estimating Algorithm Efficiency.txt
......\23.3. Bubble Sort.txt
......\23.4. Merge Sort.txt
......\23.5. Quick Sort.txt
......\23.6. Heap Sort.txt
......\23.7. External Sort.txt
......\23.8. Key Terms.txt
......\23.9. Chapter Summary.txt
......\24.10. (Optional) Synchronization Using Locks.txt
......\24.11. (Optional) Cooperation Among Threads.txt
......\24.12. (Optional) Case Study - Producer-Consumer.txt
......\24.13. (Optional) Blocking Queues.txt
......\24.14. (Optional) Semaphores.txt
......\24.15. Avoiding Deadlocks.txt
......\24.16. Thread States.txt
......\24.17. Synchronized Collections.txt
......\24.18. (Optional) JProgressBar.txt
......\24.19. Key Terms.txt
......\24.2. Thread Concepts.txt
......\24.20. Chapter Summary.txt
......\24.21. Review Questions.txt
......\24.22. Programming Exercises.txt
......\24.3. Creating Tasks and Threads.txt
......\24.4. The Thread Class.txt
......\24.5. Example - Flashing Text.txt
......\24.6. GUI Event Dispatcher Thread.txt
......\24.7. (Optional) Case Study - Clock with Audio.txt
......\24.8. Thread Pools.txt
......\24.9. Thread Synchronization.txt
......\25. Networking.txt
......\25.10. (Optional) Datagram Socket.txt
......\25.11. Chapter Summary.txt
......\25.12. Review Questions.txt
......\25.13. Programming Exercises.txt
......\25.2. Client-Server Computing.txt
......\25.3. The InetAddress Class.txt
......\25.4. Serving Multiple Clients.txt
......\25.5. Applet Clients.txt
......\25.6. Sending and Receiving Objects.txt
......\25.7. Retrieving Files from Web Servers.txt
......\25.8. JEditorPane.txt
......\25.9. (Optional) Case Studies - Distributed TicTacToe Games.txt
......\26. Internationalization.txt
......\26.10. Programming Exercises.txt
......\26.2. The Locale Class.txt
......\26.3. Displaying Date and Time.txt
......\26.4. Formatting Numbers.txt
......\26.5. (Optional) Resource Bundles.txt
......\26.6. (Optional) Character Encoding.txt
......\26.7. Key Terms.txt
......\26.8. Chapter Summary.txt
......\26.9. Review Questions.txt
......\27.10. Programming Exercises.txt
......\27.2. JavaBeans.txt
......\27.3. Bean Properties.txt
......\27.4. Java Event Model Review.txt
......\27.5. Creating Custom Source Components.txt
......\27.6. (Optional) Creating Custom Event Sets.txt
......\27.7. Key Terms.txt
......\27.8. Chapter Summary.txt
......\27.9. Review Questions.txt
......\28. Containers Layout Managers and Borders.txt

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