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Title: bccdluntan Download
 Description: The system needs to have the of all kinds of information management functions. Through the investigation, analysis of some typical BBS system, the system has the following characteristics: The system interface is friendly, beautiful?. ? divided into user-level, will be divided into different permissions to different groups of people. Reasonable management forum related information?. Easy to maintain and extend?. The system is running stable and reliable?. ? ordinary users: ordinary users can post new topics, the user query and modify personal information, reply post. ? administrator: the administrator can manage user information, post, reply post reply post, delete information. The database in the DB_51aspx folder, attached to The username and password are 51aspx
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader sdgfadsgqo]
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..........\..........\image\baocun an niu.gif
..........\..........\.....\denglu an niu.gif
..........\..........\.....\f zhu ti 1.gif
..........\..........\.....\f zhu ti 2.gif
..........\..........\.....\f zhu ti 3.gif
..........\..........\.....\faxintie an niu.gif
..........\..........\.....\jian tou.gif
..........\..........\.....\quanbuchengxie an niu.gif
..........\..........\.....\tijiao an niu.gif
..........\..........\.....\zhu ti 1.gif
..........\..........\.....\zhu ti 2.gif
..........\..........\.....\zhu ti 3.gif
..........\..........\.....\zhuce an niu.gif

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