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Title: Produce-a-variety-of-distribution Download
 Description: 1.duishuzhengtai: generating lognormal 2.gaussian: generating a data quantity n of two mutually independent Gaussian distribution Y1, Y2 3.junyun: custom uniform distribution of 0-1, n represents a data amount, generally large in 1024 (Monte Carlo) 4.ruili: Rayleigh distribution, m is a parameter of the Rayleigh distribution, n representative of the amount of data, n is generally greater than 1024 5.kaifeng: generating open abundance distribution, wherein m represents an open-abundance distribution freedom of degrees of freedom, n is the number of points generated 6.tfenbu: This function generates m, the amount of data for n t distribution. 7.weibuer: a = 1, the exponential distribution a = 2, is a Rayleigh distribution
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