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Title: CSharp Download
  • Category:
  • CSharp
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  • File Size:
  • 13.77mb
  • Update:
  • 2012-11-26
  • Downloads:
  • 0 Times
  • Uploaded by:
  • 吕温
 Description: Several small programs in C# beginners can deepen the understanding of this language Include the following: 1.C# Get the current program where folder. Rar 2.C# interface skin (with examples). Rar 3.C# Examples of how to use the tray control source. Rar 4.C# text encryption algorithm example source code. Rar 5.C# program start automatically at boot time. Rar 6.C# custom skin. Rar 7.CS chat program. Rar 8.WPF analog Windows 7 meteorological source. Rar Nine glass buttons. Rar 10 Export Excel format. Rar 11 export excel list. Rar 12. Dynamically create controls and get the value. Rar 13 Read Eexcel file. Rar 14 reads write excel.rar 15 according to the registration process cpu serial number, disk serial number design software. Rar 16. Slider to change transparency, C# transparent form instance. Rar 17. Encrypt and decrypt files. Rar 18. Progress bar. Rar 19 draggable controls. Rar 20 beautiful Vista style buttons example. Rar 21 start other programs. Rar 22. Upload
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....\实现的Excel 2007表格读写实例.rar
....\实现程序互斥运行 只能运行一个.rar

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