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 Description: Introduction bankers algorithm is one of the most representative of the deadlock avoidance algorithm. Allows a process to avoid deadlock method dynamic application of resources, but the Department the bankers algorithm banker algorithm system during the allocation of resources should, before security calculate the allocation of resources, if the allocation will not cause the system to enter the state of insecurity, the allocated or wait. Banker' s algorithm, the system must be set to the number of data structures. To explain the banker' s algorithm, we must first explain the operating system' s security status and state of insecurity. Safety sequence is a process sequence {P1, ..., Pn} is safe, i.e. for each process Pi (1 ≤ i ≤ N), it was later still need the resource amount does not exceed the current system remaining resources with all process Pj (j < i) to occupy and resources.
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