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Title: hark Download
  • Category:
  • IT Hero
  • Tags:
  • [WORD]
  • File Size:
  • 281kb
  • Update:
  • 2013-07-23
  • Downloads:
  • 0 Times
  • Uploaded by:
  • 阎志雄
 Description: The article is divided into sixteen chapters gradually learn about the network security, social engineering. Tells the story of a hacker, the hacker has managed to get into the " North American Air Protection Command System" , wanted by the FBI, he is Kay Man Mitnick. This book is also written by him, of course, this is the Chinese version. Reading this book, you will find all of our people will eventually need to be " Mitnick" (Translator' s Note: refers to people like Kevin Mitnick) guidance.
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..........\0 序.doc
..........\0.1 前言.doc
..........\1 第一章 安全软肋.doc
..........\2 第二章 无害信息的价值.doc
..........\3 第三章 正面攻击—直接索取.doc
..........\4 第四章 建立信任.doc
..........\5 第五章 我来帮你.doc
..........\6 第六章 你能帮我吗?.doc
..........\7 第七章 假冒网站和危险附件.doc
..........\8 第八章 利用同情、内疚和胁迫.doc
..........\9 第九章 逆向骗局.doc
..........\A 第十章 进入内部.doc
..........\B 第十一章 综合技术与社会工程学.doc
..........\C 第十二章 攻击新进员工.doc
..........\D 第十三章 聪明的骗局.doc
..........\E 第十四章 商业间谍.doc
..........\F 第十五章 信息安全知识与培训.doc
..........\G 第十六章 推荐的信息安全策略.doc

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