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Title: studyCommunity Download
 Description: Interactive media learning community is to provide learners with learning and communication platform, so interactive media learning communities should have the basic video learning function, voice-learning functions and messaging capabilities. In the basic functions above can also add member registration functions, use of membership functions for the visitor' s authority to control, for example, ordinary users can not publish tutorials or download the tutorial while User can. Another interactive media learning community also needs to have a beautiful, simple user interface, good search function, the site' s easy to maintain and easy maneuverability.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader 王刚]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):

..............\......\fbjiaoce 拷贝.jpg
..............\......\indextubiao 拷贝.jpg
..............\......\lianxiwomen 拷贝.jpg
..............\......\manage_fs .jpg
..............\......\shipinketang 拷贝.jpg
..............\......\yuyiketa 拷贝.jpg
..............\......\zhuce 拷贝.jpg

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