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Title: zuqiu Download
 Description: Description : Football club including players , general administrative staff. The player has an important parameter name, age , ability, salary , transfer fee , the total number of goals, service life , etc. ordinary administrative staff have name, age , ability, salary and other parameters. You need to give the relevant regulatory agencies to develop a management program to achieve many of the basic functions of the football club management . Specific features include: CRUD club , the club s properties include the name , cash , under which personnel On various attributes can be a simple search of all players , support input multiple conditions with && connection between the conditions , such as : " Age is not greater than 25 and greater than 5 years service life and goals more than 100 players ," query expression :! (@ Age> 25) && @ experience> 5 && @ kick> 100 Support players traded between different clubs , trading must meet the following conditions: a cash buyer s
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