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Title: XieZhen Download
 Description: Resonant circuit board, the perfect realization of the acceleration sensor output fault signal carried resonance demodulation functions
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File list (Check if you may need any files):

.......\..............\Design Rule Check - XieZhen.drc
.......\..............\Design Rule Check - XieZhen.html
.......\XieZhen PCB ECO 2014-2-27 15-14-10.LOG
.......\XieZhen PCB ECO 2014-2-27 15-31-28.LOG
.......\XieZhen PCB ECO 2014-2-27 15-45-49.LOG
.......\XieZhen PCB ECO 2014-3-2 23-55-09.LOG
.......\XieZhen PCB ECO 2014-3-2 23-56-13.LOG
.......\XieZhen PCB ECO 2014-3-2 23-58-01.LOG
.......\XieZhen SCH ECO 2014-2-27 15-14-45.LOG
.......\XieZhen SCH ECO 2014-2-27 15-19-44.LOG
.......\XieZhen SCH ECO 2014-2-27 15-27-48.LOG
.......\XieZhen SCH ECO 2014-2-27 23-48-00.LOG
.......\XieZhen SCH ECO 2014-3-2 23-30-54.LOG
.......\XieZhen SCH ECO 2014-4-16 15-44-05.LOG

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