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Title: chompfull_win32 Download
 Description: The CHomP software package consists of a C++ programming library and a collection of command-line driven programs, which allow to use the most fundamental features of the library through an easy interface. (Pre-compiled version of the programs is available for some systems.) The CHomP software was originally written by Paweł Pilarczyk, and the current CHomP package additionally contains code developed by Marian Mrozek a couple of years ago his code is continued to be developed in the framework of the RedHom project. Some code written by a few other people is also currently included in the CHomP project please, see individual files for this information. The most basic program that provides access to several homology algorithms (implemented by W. Kalies, M. Mrozek, and P. Pilarczyk) is called chomp. In addition to chomp, another main program is homcubes, which provides a flexible interface for the computation of homology of cubical sets, as well as the computation of the hom
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