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Title: FMURDTI243 Download
 Description: A classic direct program, writing classes in c ++ to wrap the direct API, and to become a master must see! ,
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader bandpidph ]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
ReadMe.txt 843 2002-03-09
3CAnimationNode.h 2194 2002-03-09
CFrameNode.h 2494 2002-03-09
CMeshNode.h 2062 2002-03-09
CObject.h 1968 2002-03-09
CSkinMesh.h 1371 2002-03-09
Exceptions.h 2932 2002-03-09
StdAfx.h 1444 2002-03-09
4CAnimationNode.cpp 14399 2002-03-09
CFrameNode.cpp 6279 2002-03-09
CMeshNode.cpp 8794 2002-03-09
CObject.cpp 2297 2002-03-09
CSkinMesh.cpp 5409 2002-03-09
Exceptions.cpp 1953 2002-03-09
main.cpp 7721 2002-03-09
StdAfx.cpp 295 2002-03-09
tiny_skin.bmp 196662 2002-03-09
SkinMesh.dsp 5200 2002-03-09
SkinMesh.dsw 539 2002-03-09
SkinMesh.ncb 123904 2002-03-09
SkinMesh.opt 48640 2002-03-09
SkinMesh.plg 2233 2002-03-09
tiny.x 1591760 2002-03-09

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