Description: Imitation of MSN
To Search:
File list (Check if you may need any files):
Filename | Size | Date |
ReadMe.txt | 3561 | 2002-12-16
CNButton.h | 7361 | 2002-12-20
CNIcq.h | 1491 | 2002-12-30
CNIcqDlg.h | 1804 | 2002-12-30
CNMenu.h | 6537 | 2002-12-14
CNPopupMenu.h | 2251 | 2002-12-14
FormatBar.h | 4325 | 2002-12-30
Gif89a.h | 3339 | 2002-12-16
HyperLink.H | 3317 | 1998-03-05
ImageDataObject.h | 3304 | 2002-12-30
ImageSelector.h | 2469 | 2002-10-10
IMainHeader.h | 1585 | 2003-01-02
IMainPanel.h | 1488 | 2002-12-21
IMChat.h | 2303 | 2002-12-30
IMShortcutTool.h | 1822 | 2002-12-26
IMTab.h | 2177 | 2002-12-24
IMToolWin.h | 3110 | 2003-01-02
IMTree.h | 2010 | 2003-01-04
MainFrm.h | 1421 | 2002-12-13
MSNButton.h | 3090 | 2002-12-27
OutBar\OutBarCtrl.h | 5988 | 2002-12-14
OutBar\OutBarEdit.h | 1324 | 2002-12-14
RESOURCE.H | 4441 | 2002-12-31
RichEditCtrlEx.h | 9145 | 2002-12-30
Skin.h | 8088 | 2002-12-31
StaticSplitter.h | 1622 | 2002-12-28
StdAfx.h | 1179 | 2002-12-26
SystemTray.H | 4064 | 1998-08-12
TaskbarNotifier.h | 2256 | 2002-07-05
CNButton.cpp | 42801 | 2003-01-02
CNIcq.cpp | 2886 | 2002-12-31
CNIcqDlg.cpp | 7695 | 2003-01-01
CNMenu.cpp | 30075 | 2002-12-14
CNPopupMenu.cpp | 19078 | 2002-12-14
FormatBar.cpp | 21914 | 2002-12-30
Gif89a.cpp | 14154 | 2002-12-23
HyperLink.CPP | 13397 | 2002-12-28
ImageDataObject.cpp | 3947 | 2002-12-30
ImageSelector.cpp | 4532 | 2002-12-30
IMainHeader.cpp | 6451 | 2003-01-02
IMainPanel.cpp | 4023 | 2003-01-02
IMChat.cpp | 14553 | 2003-01-01
IMShortcutTool.cpp | 5202 | 2003-01-01
IMTab.cpp | 10225 | 2003-01-02
IMToolWin.cpp | 3880 | 2003-01-02
IMTree.cpp | 10708 | 2003-01-04
MainFrm.cpp | 1494 | 2002-12-13
MSNButton.cpp | 12495 | 2002-12-27
OutBar\OutBarCtrl.cpp | 20092 | 2002-12-31
OutBar\OutBarEdit.cpp | 1183 | 2002-12-14
RichEditCtrlEx.cpp | 10321 | 2002-12-30
Skin.cpp | 23121 | 2003-01-02
StaticSplitter.cpp | 2142 | 2003-01-03
StdAfx.cpp | 207 | 2002-12-16
SystemTray.CPP | 12760 | 1998-08-12
TaskbarNotifier.cpp | 15567 | 2002-07-05
RES\EMOTIONS.BMP | 21078 | 2002-12-30
RES\FONT.BMP | 358 | 2002-12-30
RES\FORMAT.BMP | 718 | 2002-12-30
RES\FORMATBA.BMP | 718 | 2002-12-30
RES\MainBk.bmp | 22606 | 2002-12-18
CNIcq.aps | 49748 | 2003-05-08
CNIcq.clw | 4829 | 2003-05-26
CNIcq2.clw | 2741 | 2002-12-21
RES\DRAG.CUR | 326 | 2002-12-17
RES\forbidden.cur | 326 | 2002-12-17
RES\HAND.CUR | 326 | 2002-12-17
CNIcq.dsp | 7208 | 2002-12-31
CNIcq.dsw | 923 | 2003-01-17
RES\CNIcq.ico | 1078 | 2002-12-16
RES\CNIcqDoc.ico | 1078 | 2002-12-13
CNIcq.ilk | 926492 | 2003-05-08
CNIcq.ncb | 304128 | 2003-05-26
CNIcq.opt | 80896 | 2003-05-26
CNIcq.plg | 244 | 2003-05-26
CNIcq.rc | 10778 | 2003-01-01
RES\CNIcq.rc2 | 397 | 2002-12-16
32.GIF | 23625 | 2002-11-15
RES\1.JPG | 33823 | 2002-12-31
RES\2.JPG | 28581 | 2002-12-31
RES\3.JPG | 61912 | 2002-12-31