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Title: Test Download
  • Category:
  • CSharp
  • Tags:
  • File Size:
  • 725kb
  • Update:
  • 2017-11-23
  • Downloads:
  • 0 Times
  • Uploaded by:
  • 谢立明
 Description: This is an example of Engineering, coding uses a lot of optimization methods, such as getting from Ctring to char* and so on
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader 谢立明 ]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
Test\Debug\StdAfx.obj 54951 2017-10-10
Test\Debug\Test.exe 159793 2017-10-10
Test\Debug\Test.ilk 188160 2017-10-10
Test\Debug\Test.obj 7414 2017-10-10
Test\Debug\Test.pch 1949872 2017-10-10
Test\Debug\Test.pdb 336896 2017-10-10
Test\Debug\Test.res 2112 2017-10-10
Test\Debug\vc60.idb 82944 2017-10-10
Test\Debug\vc60.pdb 176128 2017-10-10
Test\ReadMe.txt 2045 2017-10-10
Test\resource.h 773 2017-10-10
Test\small.ico 318 2017-10-10
Test\StdAfx.cpp 291 2017-10-10
Test\StdAfx.h 936 2017-10-10
Test\Test.cpp 4844 2017-10-10
Test\Test.dsp 4451 2017-10-10
Test\Test.dsw 531 2017-10-10
Test\Test.h 320 2017-10-10
Test\Test.ico 1078 2017-10-10
Test\Test.ncb 33792 2017-10-10
Test\Test.opt 48640 2017-10-10
Test\Test.plg 1662 2017-10-10
Test\Test.rc 3046 2017-10-10

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