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Title: DepthBasics-D2D Download
 Description: Run the code after Kinect1.0, and get the depth image captured by the camera
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader 徐志鹏 ]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
DepthBasics-D2D\DepthBasics-D2D.sln 1250 2013-09-11
DepthBasics-D2D\DepthBasics-D2D.vcxproj 9581 2013-09-11
DepthBasics-D2D\DepthBasics.cpp 12993 2013-09-11
DepthBasics-D2D\DepthBasics.h 3079 2013-09-11
DepthBasics-D2D\DepthBasics.rc 6066 2013-09-11
DepthBasics-D2D\ImageRenderer.cpp 4780 2013-09-11
DepthBasics-D2D\ImageRenderer.h 2372 2013-09-11
DepthBasics-D2D\app.ico 31842 2013-09-11
DepthBasics-D2D\resource.h 1029 2013-09-11
DepthBasics-D2D\stdafx.h 1567 2013-09-11

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