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Title: 20170619 Download
 Description: When the input pin receives a low signal, the output is high level, delay 30S. If there is always a signal, the lamp will not go out. The lights go off after a period of time when the input terminal is high
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader 刘辉 ]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
20170619\20170619.apj 1276 2017-04-25
20170619\20170619.bbj 4565 2017-11-04
20170619\20170619.cds 2151 2017-04-25
20170619\20170619.deg 4015 2017-04-25
20170619\20170619.DT 3746 2017-11-04
20170619\20170619.lst 9706 2017-11-04
20170619\20170619.map 5224 2017-04-25
20170619\20170619.OPT 598 2014-06-05
20170619\20170619.RRP 73 2009-07-14

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