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Title: yfuiu20 Download
 Description: The graduation design of the elder brothers image enhancement technology is applied to the field of image denoising, which integrates most of the filters, and the VC6 tests pass.
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
ReadMe.txt 4385 2002-05-11
BlurredAddedMeanFilterDlg.h 1387 2002-05-30
GradSharpDlg.h 1215 2002-05-30
InterfaceDlg.h 1281 2002-05-16
LinerParaDlg.h 1232 2002-05-30
LoadFunction.h 1418 2002-05-12
MainFrm.h 1440 2002-05-11
MidFilterDlg.h 1260 2002-05-30
MixedMidFilterDlg.h 1347 2002-05-30
NeiSmoothDlg.h 1302 2002-05-30
NoRecursiveTremendousMidFilterDlg.h 1523 2002-05-30
NormalFrequentDlg.h 1295 2002-05-30
RecursiveMidFilterDlg.h 1359 2002-05-30
RecursiveTremendousMidFilterDlg.h 1501 2002-05-30
RESOURCE.H 4118 2002-05-30
StdAfx.h 1054 2002-05-11
StreDlg.h 1211 2002-05-30
ThreDlg.h 1159 2002-05-30
UAdaptiveSmoothFilterDlg.h 1438 2002-05-30
图像增强技术.h 1336 2002-05-11
图像增强技术Doc.h 3115 2002-06-18
图像增强技术View.h 1716 2002-05-13
BlurredAddedMeanFilterDlg.cpp 1304 2002-05-30
GradSharpDlg.cpp 1047 2002-05-30
InterfaceDlg.cpp 1063 2002-05-16
LinerParaDlg.cpp 1119 2002-05-30
LoadFunction.cpp 2181 2002-05-12
MainFrm.cpp 2373 2002-05-11
MidFilterDlg.cpp 1266 2002-05-30
MixedMidFilterDlg.cpp 1221 2002-05-30
NeiSmoothDlg.cpp 1386 2002-05-30
NoRecursiveTremendousMidFilterDlg.cpp 1413 2002-05-30
NormalFrequentDlg.cpp 1182 2002-05-30
RecursiveMidFilterDlg.cpp 1318 2002-05-30
RecursiveTremendousMidFilterDlg.cpp 1389 2002-05-30
StdAfx.cpp 214 2002-05-11
StreDlg.cpp 1166 2002-05-30
ThreDlg.cpp 978 2002-05-30
yAdaptiveSmoothFilterDlg.cpp 1648 2002-05-30
图像增强技术.cpp 4301 2002-05-30
图像增强技术Doc.cpp 68368 2002-06-18
图像增强技术View.cpp 3604 2002-05-13
RES\Interface4.bmp 236118 2002-05-16
RES\Toolbar.bmp 1078 2002-05-11
MFM1992 43152 2002-05-29
图像增强技术.aps 1310140 2006-04-10
图像增强技术.clw 12587 2006-04-10
RES\Thumbs.db 32256 2006-04-10
图像增强技术.dsp 7250 2002-05-30
图像增强技术.dsw 549 2002-05-11
RES\图像增强技术.ico 1078 2002-05-11
RES\图像增强技术Doc.ico 1078 2002-05-11
图像增强技术.ncb 304128 2006-04-10
图像增强技术.opt 57856 2006-04-10
图像增强技术.plg 1470 2006-04-10
图像增强技术.rc 27012 2006-04-10
RES\图像增强技术.rc2 404 2002-05-11
RES 0 2017-12-24

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