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Title: 800836 Download
 Description: It can realize the design under arbitrary order number and window function of FIR filter, and it can display the amplitude frequency response curve and filtering effect under VC,
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader Murshy]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
ReadMe.txt 4455 2006-05-15
FIRDesign.h 1432 2006-06-06
kDlgFilter.h 1516 2006-06-05
MainFrm.h 1581 2006-05-15
Oscillograph.h 1422 2006-05-15
OscillographDoc.h 1541 2006-05-15
OscillographView.h 2141 2006-05-20
Resource.h 1563 2006-06-18
StdAfx.h 1054 2006-05-15
Wave.h 1358 2006-05-17
FIRDesign.cpp 6334 2006-07-03
kDlgFilter.cpp 2741 2006-06-05
MainFrm.cpp 2551 2006-05-15
Oscillograph.cpp 4317 2006-05-15
OscillographDoc.cpp 1862 2006-05-15
OscillographView.cpp 6371 2006-07-03
StdAfx.cpp 214 2006-05-15
Wave.cpp 3974 2006-06-09
res\Cannibal.bmp 8450 2001-05-12
res\cat.bmp 8478 2006-05-15
res\Eagle.bmp 36982 2006-05-15
res\Toolbar.bmp 1198 2006-06-18
Oscillograph.aps 77228 2009-02-19
Oscillograph.clw 4068 2009-02-19
res\Thumbs.db 26112 2006-05-15
Oscillograph.dsp 5188 2006-05-20
Oscillograph.dsw 549 2006-05-15
res\Oscillograph.ico 1078 2006-05-15
res\OscillographDoc.ico 1078 2006-05-15
Oscillograph.opt 306688 2009-02-19
Oscillograph.plg 2297 2009-02-19
Oscillograph.rc 14553 2006-06-18
res\Oscillograph.rc2 404 2006-05-15
res 0 2017-12-24

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