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Downloads SourceCode Internet-Network
Title: 0554569 Download
 Description: Based on vc ++6 GSM module to send and receive SMS messages, can send free information, and can send characters and Chinese characters
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader Valekfsna]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
ReadMe.txt 3597 2005-03-09
lmessage.TXT 64 2005-03-10
resource.h 1324 2008-11-03
SettingsDlg.h 1306 2005-03-09
Sms.h 1918 2005-03-31
SMSSend.h 1671 2008-12-16
SMSSendDlg.h 1995 2008-12-16
SmsTraffic.h 4050 2008-12-16
StdAfx.h 1054 2005-03-09
TrayIcon.h 1750 2002-11-21
SettingsDlg.cpp 2188 2005-03-30
Sms.cpp 15005 2008-10-07
SMSSend.cpp 3204 2008-11-15
SMSSendDlg.cpp 10113 2008-12-16
SmsTraffic.cpp 27334 2008-12-07
StdAfx.cpp 209 2005-03-09
TRAYICON.CPP 5238 2002-11-21
SMSSend.aps 38124 2008-12-16
SMSSend.clw 1908 2008-12-16
res\Thumbs.db 7680 2008-11-15
SMSSend.dsp 4542 2008-11-15
SMSSend.dsw 537 2008-11-03
res\icon1.ico 766 2005-03-10
res\SMSSend.ico 1078 2005-03-09
SMSSend.ncb 99328 2008-12-16
SMSSend.opt 301568 2008-12-16
SMSSend.plg 872 2008-12-16
SMSSend.rc 6888 2008-12-16
res\SMSSend.rc2 399 2005-03-09
res 0 2017-12-24

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