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Title: vsgarbf Download
 Description: The Hamilton circuit of the horse, on the international chess board, a horse has to pass each point, and only once, the game can be very large, requiring the output of all points and paths of the horse
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
knight.cpp 6377 2008-03-26
knight.dsp 3401 2008-03-25
knight.dsw 520 2008-03-26
knight.ncb 41984 2008-03-26
knight.opt 53760 2008-03-26
knight.pdf 74078 2008-03-21
knight.plg 246 2008-03-26
output.txt 341 2008-03-26
sinput.txt 5 2008-03-26
uDebug 0 2008-03-26

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