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Title: VS1011E Download
 Description: VS10xx and avr microcontroller example source code/
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader ckeays123]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
vs1011e 0 2012-10-03
vs1011e\assemble.bat 76 2011-03-10
vs1011e\AVRASM32.EXE 114688 2002-11-15
vs1011e\convert 0 2012-10-03
vs1011e\convert\convert.bat 28 2011-03-29
vs1011e\convert\convert.exe 17616 2011-03-29
vs1011e\convert\hi.inc 11985 2011-03-30
vs1011e\convert\hi.mp3 2256 2011-03-29
vs1011e\delay.inc 965 2011-03-26
vs1011e\hi.inc 11985 2011-03-29
vs1011e\m8515def.inc 8760 2002-05-06
vs1011e\readthis.txt 2258 2011-03-30
vs1011e\VS1011e.asm 6698 2011-03-29
vs1011e\vs1011e.hex 7292 2011-03-29

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