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Title: 归档 Download
 Description: The time curve of the corresponding velocity model is obtained, and the triple seismic phase in the high gradient layer is obtained.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader han_w]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
x-t.pdf 28352 2018-04-08
__MACOSX 0 2018-04-17
__MACOSX\._x-t.pdf 210 2018-04-08
p-x.pdf 27186 2018-04-08
__MACOSX\._p-x.pdf 210 2018-04-08
travel_time.m 973 2018-04-08
__MACOSX\._travel_time.m 176 2018-04-08
The model of velocity.pdf 2179 2018-04-08
__MACOSX\._The model of velocity.pdf 210 2018-04-08
tau-p.pdf 28057 2018-04-08
__MACOSX\._tau-p.pdf 210 2018-04-08

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