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Title: tmp_21763-MATLAB_Blockchain_v21389092468 Download
 Description: This example shows a blockchain implementation in MATLAB. Several nodes can be run to distribute the blockchain and blocks can be mined or blocks with invalid hashes can be added for test. Although the current implementation requires parallel computing toolbox it can easily be changed to run without it. Note that the app is made for 2018a pre-release.
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
app\MATLAB_Blockchain.mlapp 89272 2018-01-04
app\ml_coin.png 102044 2017-12-15
doc\rules.txt 375 2018-01-04
doc\sbs.txt 1876 2018-01-04
README.txt 1027 2018-01-04
runapp.m 155 2018-01-05
toolbox\+bc\Block.m 1234 2018-01-05
toolbox\+bc\Blockchain.m 7486 2018-01-05
toolbox\+bc\mine.m 616 2018-01-05
toolbox\+bc\mine2.m 632 2018-01-05
toolbox\+p2p\ClientNode.m 3699 2018-01-05
toolbox\+p2p\ClientNodeSet.m 2303 2018-01-05
toolbox\+p2p\MessageType.m 249 2018-01-05
license.txt 1526 2018-01-04

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