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Title: 21ic涓嬭浇_L6470椹卞姩绋嬪簭 Download
 Description: Chip control step motor
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
dsPin_example\L6470 breakout-v11.pdf 41836 2014-01-12
dsPin_example\L6470.pdf 756008 2014-01-12
dsPin_example\dSPIN_commands.c 14130 2012-02-24
dsPin_example\dSPIN_example.c 13704 2012-02-25
dsPin_example\dSPIN_main.c 6315 2012-02-25
dsPin_example\dSPIN_support.c 7276 2012-02-25
dsPin_example 0 2014-01-12

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