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Title: LCD1602_时钟 Download
 Description: The timing interrupt principle of 51 MCU is used to display the clock in LCD.
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LCD1602_时钟\Last Loaded shizhong.DBK 68115 2018-04-27
LCD1602_时钟\shizhong 6914 2018-04-27
LCD1602_时钟\shizhong.c 2438 2018-04-27
LCD1602_时钟\shizhong.DSN 68115 2018-04-27
LCD1602_时钟\shizhong.hex 1107 2018-04-27
LCD1602_时钟\shizhong.lnp 49 2018-04-27
LCD1602_时钟\shizhong.LST 5810 2018-04-27
LCD1602_时钟\shizhong.M51 10309 2018-04-27
LCD1602_时钟\shizhong.OBJ 7353 2018-04-27
LCD1602_时钟\shizhong.plg 185 2018-04-27
LCD1602_时钟\shizhong.PWI 768 2018-04-27
LCD1602_时钟\shizhong.uvopt 55663 2018-04-27
LCD1602_时钟\shizhong.uvproj 13408 2018-04-27
LCD1602_时钟\shizhong_uvopt.bak 55661 2018-04-27
LCD1602_时钟\shizhong_uvproj.bak 0 2018-04-27
LCD1602_时钟\STARTUP.A51 6376 2009-05-07
LCD1602_时钟\STARTUP.LST 14048 2018-04-27
LCD1602_时钟\STARTUP.OBJ 749 2018-04-27
LCD1602_时钟 0 2018-04-27

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