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Title: 动态生成模态窗口插件 Download
 Description: A dynamic generation mode window plug-in based on Bootstrap4. BsModal can use any custom content in the modal window
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
js 0 2018-11-30
js\jquery-1.11.0.min.js 96383 2014-11-11
related 0 2018-11-30
related\1.jpg 33710 2018-11-30
related\2.jpg 22378 2018-11-30
example-picture.jpg 150946 2018-11-27
index.html 10589 2018-12-03
jQuery之家.url 268 2014-12-14
readme.html 865 2014-10-10
css 0 2018-11-30
css\htmleaf-demo.css 5878 2018-11-30
dist 0 2018-11-30
dist\bsmodal.js 13631 2018-11-27
dist\bsmodal.min.js 6057 2018-11-27
fonts 0 2018-11-30
fonts\icomoon.eot 1540 2015-03-11
fonts\icomoon.svg 1866 2015-03-11
fonts\icomoon.ttf 1376 2015-03-11
fonts\icomoon.woff 1452 2015-03-11

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