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  • Update : 2019-05-11
  • Size : 19.76mb
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  • Author :坤***
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"Dream Journey to the West" 160 weapons production materials, Dream Gulong can be used.
Packet file list
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Data15补丁 0 2017-10-15
Data15补丁\160刀.ent 7653 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160刀s.ent 1880 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160刀t.ent 1880 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160剑.ent 9398 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160剑s.ent 1994 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160剑t.ent 1994 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160剑侠客刀.ent 1016992 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160剑侠客剑.ent 1623786 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160双剑.ent 8600 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160双剑s.ent 2026 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160双剑t.ent 2026 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160圈.ent 10674 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160圈s.ent 2121 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160圈t.ent 2121 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160扇子.ent 9488 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160扇子s.ent 2131 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160扇子t.ent 2131 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160斧头裂天.ent 6357 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160斧头裂天s.ent 1620 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160斧头裂天t.ent 1620 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160枪.ent 6192 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160枪s.ent 1547 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160枪t.ent 1547 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160棒子醍醐.ent 6157 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160棒子醍醐s.ent 1538 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160棒子醍醐t.ent 1538 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160棒子骨精灵.ent 1029143 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160爪刺.ent 8740 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160爪刺s.ent 2065 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160爪刺t.ent 2065 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160玄彩娥飘带.ent 766777 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160玄彩蛾魔棒.ent 948680 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160舞天姬圈.ent 1757669 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160舞天姬飘带.ent 1275937 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160虎头怪斧头.ent 2916890 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160虎头怪锤子.ent 1540399 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160逍遥扇子.ent 830688 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160逍遥生剑.ent 1252096 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160锤子.ent 10016 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160锤子s.ent 2320 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160锤子t.ent 2320 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160飘带.ent 7847 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160飘带s.ent 2255 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160飘带t.ent 2255 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160飞燕女双剑.ent 1149143 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160飞燕女环圈.ent 1232697 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160骨精灵爪刺.ent 888155 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160龙太子扇子.ent 754771 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\160龙太子枪.ent 1727284 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\CSV 0 2017-10-15
Data15补丁\CSV\Mix0001_Weapon01.csv 138149 2017-10-13
Data15补丁\CSV\Mix0001_Weapon04.csv 14041 2017-10-04
Data15补丁\CSV\Mix0001_Weapon05.csv 91076 2017-10-12
Data15补丁\CSV\Mix0002_Cloth01.csv 37645 2017-10-12
Data15补丁\CSV\Mix0002_Cloth02.csv 19344 2017-10-12
Data15补丁\CSV\Mix0003_Ornament02.csv 8477 2017-10-12
Data15补丁\CSV\MixShop0001.csv 14328 2017-10-15
Data15补丁\CSV\fabao.csv 17600 2017-10-15
Data15补丁\CSV\item.csv 3836219 2017-10-15
Data15补丁\Dat 0 2017-10-15
Data15补丁\Dat\client_MOB00007113_mob.dat 970 2017-10-15
Data15补丁\乾元鸣凤冕.ent 13338 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\乾元鸣凤冕s.ent 2349 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\乾元鸣凤冕t.ent 2349 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\浑天玄火盔.ent 11651 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\浑天玄火盔s.ent 2174 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\浑天玄火盔t.ent 2174 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\混元一气甲.ent 14380 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\混元一气甲s.ent 2734 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\混元一气甲t.ent 2734 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\紫霄云芒带.ent 13535 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\紫霄云芒带s.ent 2581 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\紫霄云芒带t.ent 2581 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\落霞陨星坠.ent 13546 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\落霞陨星坠s.ent 2769 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\落霞陨星坠t.ent 2769 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\辟尘分光履.ent 13008 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\辟尘分光履s.ent 2520 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\辟尘分光履t.ent 2520 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\鎏金浣月衣.ent 12331 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\鎏金浣月衣s.ent 2426 2017-10-02
Data15补丁\鎏金浣月衣t.ent 2426 2017-10-02
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