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Downloads SourceCode Game Program
Title: Tgaga-master Download
 Description: Using HTML to write a simple text game,including occupation,level,and other information,source code and general role has been compressed in the package! Self access!
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader 爱你一年]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
Tgaga-master 0 2018-08-29
Tgaga-master\.idea 0 2018-08-29
Tgaga-master\.idea\modules.xml 262 2018-08-29
Tgaga-master\.idea\Tgame.iml 458 2018-08-29
Tgaga-master\.idea\vcs.xml 180 2018-08-29
Tgaga-master\.idea\workspace.xml 33787 2018-08-29
Tgaga-master\css 0 2018-08-29
Tgaga-master\css\bootstrap-theme.min.css 23409 2018-08-29
Tgaga-master\css\bootstrap.min.css 121200 2018-08-29
Tgaga-master\css\index.css 1685 2019-11-05
Tgaga-master\index.html 1645 2019-11-06
Tgaga-master\js 0 2018-08-29
Tgaga-master\js\bootstrap.min.js 37045 2018-08-29
Tgaga-master\js\index.js 8045 2019-11-06
Tgaga-master\js\item.js 247 2018-08-29
Tgaga-master\js\jquery.min.js 97163 2018-08-29
Tgaga-master\js\map.js 1320 2018-08-29
Tgaga-master\js\room.js 209 2018-08-29
Tgaga-master\README.md 21 2018-08-29

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