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Title: RS码仿真 Download
 Description: The RS code is coded and decoded, and then the error rate under different SNR is obtained
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader 成君忆]
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1.0\gen_galois.m 756 2019-09-25
1.0\main.m 630 2019-11-08
1.0\rs_add.m 338 2019-09-25
1.0\rs_channel.m 543 2019-10-30
1.0\rs_decoder.m 806 2019-10-30
1.0\rs_decode_forney.m 1043 2019-03-31
1.0\rs_decode_iterate.m 1283 2019-09-26
1.0\rs_decode_root.m 340 2019-03-31
1.0\rs_decode_syndrome.m 457 2019-03-31
1.0\rs_encode.m 433 2019-10-30
1.0\rs_mul.m 455 2019-11-08
1.0\rs_poly.m 367 2019-03-31
1.0\rs_rev.m 653 2019-03-31
1.0 0 2019-10-30

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