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Title: gkbm Download
 Description: "Jiangsu Province entrance examination system for the Internet"-- secondary 2005 version Banquangui Jiangsu Wuxi Sun Shuang-all for the benefit of the general secondary teaching staff, you can copy arbitrary, dissemination! Use : gkbm folder will only then can upload server! The machine will only gkbm debug folder on the C : \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ folder. Then in IE input : http : \ \ localhost \ gkbm \ index.asp can run, the management portal : http : \ \ localhost \ gkbm \ admin.asp Username and Password : admin students to show pictures, please have a good shearing photographs stored in photo folder! if you are using the process have any questions, please QQ (106053410) or contact me at the website message, I Address : http://wxsz.wxjy.com.cn/gkbm/index.asp
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