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Description: iperf是常见的带宽测试工具,可以进行TCP、UDP的带宽和时延测试。常常用于测试网卡的性能。
Platform: | Size: 477261 | Author: 1314chi@******** | Hits:


Description: 布林带趋势重力波段外汇黄金MT4指标布林带趋势重力波段外汇黄金MT4指标
Platform: | Size: 2089714 | Author: 59554819******** | Hits:

[PerlCrawl Website with Perl

Description: Crawl a website with Perl, this simulates a firefox browser with perl
Platform: | Size: 118951 | Author: codebus23 | Hits:

[OtherMeldas Protocol Hacking

Description: Logic Analyser Data from a Meldas Machine, converted to Hex including parser to visualise protocol data.
Platform: | Size: 28340 | Author: codebus23 | Hits:

[VHDL-FPGA-Verilogsum in vhdl

Description: Sum module for Cyclone IV
Platform: | Size: 786390 | Author: w3bpunk | Hits:

[VHDL-FPGA-VerilogAdder of three numbers VHDL

Description: Adder of three numbers module in vhdl
Platform: | Size: 794401 | Author: w3bpunk | Hits:


Description: 易语言奇迹外挂源码++新手可以参考写法并完成自己的作品
Platform: | Size: 1374958 | Author: xia**** | Hits:

[Finance-Stock software system黄金趋势

Description: 黄金趋势EA 1,每单都带止损止盈,小资金也可以操作,策略带移动止损,不怕大行情,单量不多,准确性很高。 2, 该策略是根据K线的上下走势计算开仓平仓,因此更有效的提高了做单准确率, 3,增加了稳定性,对于胜率和止损有严格的把控,无需人工干预,平均月收益在50%以上,让赚钱变得更加简单! 4,EA有对冲功能,单子设有移动止盈功能,利润最大化的同时防止利润回吐。 加载货币:XAUUSD 加载周期:15M 资金建议:建议1000美金0.05
Platform: | Size: 33861 | Author: 23701851******** | Hits:

[Software EngineeringACPI SPEC 6.5

Description: The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) specification was developed to establish industry common interfaces enabling robust operating system (OS)-directed motherboard device configuration and power manageme
Platform: | Size: 6177224 | Author: wmjljl | Hits:

[VHDL-FPGA-VerilogCounter up and down

Description: vhdl code + testbench of up and down counter based on t-trigger
Platform: | Size: 34975 | Author: w3bpunk | Hits:


Description: 4 bit input decoder binary to binary-decimal with testbench files
Platform: | Size: 660448 | Author: w3bpunk | Hits:

[Finance-Stock software system金财神对冲-EA 双向对冲策略单量多盈利强 适应各种行情

Description: 这是一款对冲锁单型外汇EA,双向对冲策略,并且都是趋势突破单,即在黄金现价的上方做 buy stop 的突破挂单, 下方做 sell stop 的突破挂单入场,而不是逆势加仓下单,这样的好处就可以规避大行情单边涨跌的时候会叠仓导致浮亏很大, 抗损抗单边行情能力大大增强。为适应行情的波动,动态的对冲技术使 EA 的布单能跟随趋势移动。 同时结合动态反向金字塔加仓技术,应对数据以及特殊行情的瞬间反向趋势,获得丰厚利润 加载货币:XAUUSD
Platform: | Size: 85491 | Author: 23701851******** | Hits:
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