this process the resumption end of the spectrum OFDM signal waveform, with the originator of the signal further on the row. The originator% carrier arrangements, 128 of the carrier after a 32 carrier is null carrier (if Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 4.89kb
Publisher : 唐成玉
Delphi development of the Educational Management Information System, to achieve the academic teaching school management Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 465.37kb
Publisher : 欣欣
Delph development of the student management information system for the day-to-day management of the students, such as the student's status, performance management. Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 387.84kb
Publisher : 欣欣
OFDM waveform procedures following subcarriers median number of 128%/2% Symbol Symbol/Carrier 100% Training a few symbols 0% cyclic prefix length 8 (1/16)* T% modulation 4-QAM% multi-path channel number 3% IFFT Size 128% Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 3.77kb
Publisher : 唐成玉
package of compressed A total of 32 MATLAB graphics application examples, as follows : trigonometry curve, Graphics overlay, dual y-axis graphics rendering, single axis window shown that a number of graphics, graphic tag Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 5.06kb
Publisher : 唐成玉
documents for MATLAB on the interface design process, as follows : curve conversion button, Grid control button, edit box use, pop-up menus, edit box use, the subject of the use of sliding more election menu menu to cont Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 3.64kb
Publisher : 唐成玉
several types of numerical analysis computer program, which reads as follows : Take a Long Day interpolation, cubic spline interpolation, Newton-interpolation, Hermite interpolation, Hermite mewton form of interpolation, Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 1.75kb
Publisher : 唐成玉
Visual Basic development of the tourism management system for travel agents to use to conduct day-to-day operations Management Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 603.01kb
Publisher : 欣欣