Ffmpeg package for a video/audio codec library, FFDec library from a DLL (in accordance with the authorization may have divided into two different versions) and a dynamically loaded DLL is responsible for the Pascal head Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 5.28mb
Publisher : 劳波
For the objective audio quality evaluation algorithm, developed by the Canadian McGill University, which has a detailed description. Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 23.33kb
Publisher : junyong
PESQ, for an objective evaluation of voice quality standards, this forum is the MATLAB source code has now uploaded the standard C code! Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 37.97kb
Publisher : junyong
Video analysis tools most famous MoCA, with source code and describe the application documents, the video signal processing researchers is very useful! Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 295.37kb
Publisher : junyong
Use VC++ Edited collection of video data, and video data to imitate the trajectories of moving objects. Table tennis simulation trajectories! Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 559.06kb
Publisher : sdfsdfsd