siftpp source files, prepared by VC. I was to sift algorithm bothersome worries, we learn together common progress Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 313.03kb
Publisher : 杨靖
PCA based on two-dimensional human face recognition, the image is very good landing peacekeeping role, and the recognition rate better than pca Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 2.71kb
Publisher : 周荧荧
combination of image recognition algorithm VC Packaging category, PCA (principal component analysis, Light-sensitive), can be used for the initial face recognition algorithm Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 3.51kb
Publisher : 郑翠花
a license plate identification procedures, including the license plate number of processing requirements, such as 256-color to gray, filtering, Interception of license plates, registration and orientation, and so on. Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 709.41kb
Publisher : vivi
my code is used to prepare the plates vc identification system for the registration, then the identification of Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 279.18kb
Publisher : 金明
aceDetection running, First to file "opened face.bmp included in the photo, and can only proceed after face detection operation, needs to be emphasized is the human face detection, eye detection and location, human mouth Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 2.73mb
Publisher : 张素兰
students with a back-propagation algorithm figures prepared by the recognition software to identify the rate is still pretty good Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 326.78kb
Publisher : 王超