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SourceCode Graph program Graph Recognize

Graph Recognize List Page 31

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[Graph Recognizec#车牌识别系统

Description: The license plate recognition system is suitable for the license plate recognition. There is a picture example, the source code, the need to turn, can learn more about the knowledge of image recognition, using AspriseOCR
Platform: | Size: 4089856 | Author: liuqiao | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeC# OCR光学识别,数字识别率达100%

Description: AspriseOcr removal of projectile frame restriction
Platform: | Size: 783360 | Author: liuqiao | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeBallotAiyin_Src

Description: Identify the verifying code. It is suitable for reading web site verification code, based on AspriseOCR
Platform: | Size: 97280 | Author: liuqiao | Hits:

[Graph Recognize颜色识别软件

Description: A small tool for distinguishing colors
Platform: | Size: 1241088 | Author: NicoleGuo | Hits:

[Graph Recognizedelphi7

Description: A verification code automatic recognition program developed with Delphi7
Platform: | Size: 921600 | Author: jasstion | Hits:

[Graph Recognize车牌识别

Description: This paper introduces a license plate recognition algorithm implemented by MATLAB, which can identify the static license plate effectively and complete the grayscale transformation and other basic contents. It has good m
Platform: | Size: 272384 | Author: soc | Hits:

[Graph Recognize第二题

Description: Recognition of the license plate, the location of the license plate, processing, the final display of the license plate position of the picture, positioning good position, two value, corrosion and other processing
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 请问90120 | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeFoundCircle

Description: A program to find a circle in a real environment can adapt to the environment that is not so ideal.
Platform: | Size: 39720960 | Author: 狡黠的年华 | Hits:

[Graph Recognizelibs.part02

Description: Organizational development and safeguarding community by Boost.Boost library can be linked to the C ++ standard perfect work together.
Platform: | Size: 5242880 | Author: Greenmon | Hits:

[Graph Recognizeplotting

Description: Plotting graph for 2 points
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: xabasian | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeClassify handwriten digits

Description: CNN Classify handwriten digits
Platform: | Size: 29049856 | Author: 白菜纷纷 | Hits:

[Graph Recognize数字识别

Description: The use of MATLAB to realize the recognition number 0-9, the data is complete, can be used directly, there are GUI
Platform: | Size: 1752064 | Author: Chase_998 | Hits:
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